Woodpine Town

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Deep in a quiet forest there lays a town. Cozy cottages line the main streets alongside the occasional map to know where you're going and bench to sit and rest. Within this town, there are a bunch of old overgrown statues. These were here way before the first settlers moved in, it is believed that they might have been prayer statues for the people who used to live here. However this land is not completely safe as the wild animals here tend to be very territorial the moment you enter the forests.


Covered in lush greenery and forests, the town of Woodpine lays there. This forest is one of the largest and most alive areas in the game.

Points of Interest

Kazimir's House

The house that Kazimir lives in.

Red's Tree

Past the bakery, you could see a stair case leading up a hill. Following up the staircase and it would lead to a forest, go down one of the paths and you would see an "L" shaped hallway. Following the path some more and you would see Red stuck in a tree asking for help to deal with a spider.
