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This world is littered with many unique enviroments ranging from a quiet forest town to a dystopian city. Each region has their own story attached to it.


Region Name Description Picture
The Outskirts was once a flourishing trading hub due to the invention of the train originating here. But now it is home to many old and abandoned robots. Some already lived there but most have been sent there as a form of banishment. There are ruined buildings as well as purple corrupted grass that pollute this land and any vegetation that once grew here or any new plants that attempt to grow here wither almost instantly. Not only that, it is also home to the densest Black Mist clouds seen in this world. No sane person would choose to live here as it is basically a death wish if you aren't a robot.
Outskirts Preview.png
Woodpine Town
Deep in a quiet forest there lays a town. Cozy cottages line the main streets alongside the occasional map to know where you're going and bench to sit and rest. Within this town, there are a bunch of old overgrown statues. These were here way before the first settlers moved in, it is believed that they might have been prayer statues for the people who used to live here.
However this land is not completely safe as the wild animals here tend to be very territorial the moment you enter the forests.
Woodpine Preview.png
Klison City
Was once a very populated city but now it serves as a reminder of the Kitano Foundation's failures. Klison City was home to the middle class people and sometimes the lower classes as well due to it's extremely affordable housing. Streets were busy and the sounds of people talking on the phone could be heard down in the streets. It wasn't a perfect life here by any means but it was still home to some people. All this changed when an underground lab exploded, releasing the Black Mist into the streets and by an extension, the monsters it created. People were slaughtered left and right and screams of horror were heard for days. The foundation managed to evacuate most of the city but some inhabitants were left behind unknowingly as the last helicopter took off. Now all that's left in the streets is the smell of death and silence with the occasional growls from the Mutants.
Klison Preview.png
It's a city(This was like the first area I made and I'm thinking of redoing this whole area anyway so no story here, or at least right now)(It's preview image is also concept art of how the new district might look like. It looks nothing like that obviously)
District Preview.png
Kitano Labs
Abandoned and deserted, this lab is one of many labs the foundation has. This lab in particular had the highest amount of security due to it being the main one. This lab houses classified information and the District's core. But recently it's a very touchy subject to talk about as largest massacre happened here and many young and old scientists and guards lost their lives here.
KitanoLab Preview.png
Autumn Town
Within the valley of some mountains lays a town with a distinctive orange hue. Autumn Town gets it's name from the orangey coloured trees and grass that grows here, it is a quaint little town with a low population. However, due to the low population, it formed a close knit community where almost everyone knows each other. Up north there is a river that the town's residents would sometimes relax there and enjoy to sounds of the water stream.
Autumn Town Preview.png