Ferris Lanzo

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Ferris is a mercenary hired by Shinji. He was hired to obtain the Core from Shouta, however he wasn't taking the job to seriously and was just messing around after finding out his target was a child. Instead of bringing real weapons, he brought a machete, spring loaded flintlock and some confetti.


Ferris wears a large musketeer hat, a cloak and was some pouches around his waist.


Prior the the events of the game, Ferris lived his early life fairly normally aside from being trained by Ferdinand to be an assassin at an early age. Alongside him was his brother Farland, Ferris was better than Farland despite Ferris not really caring much for his training, he actually doesn't really take it seriously and messes around a lot. This lead to him using a lot of unconventional approaches on his targets.

Despite Farland detesting Ferris, it was only one way as Ferris cared for him a lot and wanted to see him improve. However Farland saw this as belittling and demeaning which made him lash out on Ferris and cutting his eye. Ferdinand saw this and told Farland to leave which only just drifted the two brothers further apart .

Even after losing his eye to him, Ferris bared no ill will to Farland and thought it was just a spike of anger. He dedicated years of his life finding out where he went. As he grew older, he heard rumors about Farland but it would never lead him anywhere.

On one of his jobs he comes across Gareth . He was stuck in a room with him after getting caught. When he first came across him, he was much more introverted and didn't want to start a conversation with him. After some questions Gareth opened up and started a conversation with him. It goes surprisingly well and they managed to talk until Ferris found a way out. In this conversation, he found out that Gareth was just 13 and didn't have anywhere else to go due to being an orphan. After escaping, Ferris asked if Gareth would like to follow him and he agreed. After that, Ferris took Gareth under his wing but refers to him as his brother due to Farland's feared reputation and not put Gareth in danger due to him practically being his adopted son.


Ferris' Battle Sprite


  • Ferris was originally planned the be more of an asshole and abuse Gareth but was scrapped due to it being boring
  • Ferris and Gareth were supposed to be biologically related brothers but it was dropped
  • There were supposed to be plans where you either go the route to have Ferris join your party or Gareth
  • In earlier builds, Ferris' first fight could be skipped by giving him an office chair