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Red is proficient with her weapons but unfortunately is not as proficient in protecting herself.

Red has one of the highest damage outputs in the game but has the worst health, making her more of a paper missile than a glass cannon.


Red wears a red hood and has a white shirt with blue sleeves. She also has blonde hair that curl into swirls.


Ability name Description Targets Unlocks at
Gun Basic Damage ability single Level 7
Down Slash Red slashes her sword downwards single Level 9
Poison Dagger Red mixes up her dagger and poison single Level 12
Rapid Fire Deal a lot of damage single Level 14
Hide Red hides behind a cardboard cutout she made by herself self Level 16
Back Stab Strike someone from the back single Level 19
Bomb Drop a bomb all enemies Level 23

Background Story

Still working on it


Red highly egotistical as she thinks of herself as the "Master of her Craft". In reality she's not really good with much else and only decent at what she claims to be the best at. Under all that pride and ego she actually does care for her friends and actually tries to help if the situation arises.


Red can be found by turning up from the bakery and going into the forest, follow the path and you should see red screaming for help with her stuck in a tree. After that, there would be some options for dialogue but they all lead to her joining you.

The location of the forest to where Red is


Unique Dialogue


Red In Game


  • Red was based off the character "Red" from a mod from Undertale
    • She was supposed to be a one off character but Ashton liked her design enough to make her a full on party member
  • She was originally supposed to have a caretaker but was cut cause she didn't have much personality outside of that