Klison City

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Klison city was just the average city. Just normal people going about their lives. But when the Black Mist arrived, security measures were deployed, increasing the military forces in the streets. However they got overrun and had to evacuate most of the civilians but some didn't make it in time to the helicopters where they remain either slaughtered by the monsters in the mist or barely scraping by. Now all that inhabit the city are the monsters in the mist and a hand full of survivors.


The city is lined with tall building's and offices.

Points of Interest

Survivor Hideout

Some of the survivors found a hideout and secured themselves in there. Inside there would be a shop where you can buy a wide range of items, armours and weapons

Gas Station

You are required to go here as this is where you find the gas needed to fuel your truck. However you would also find Kuromi waiting for you there, ready to stop you from getting the gas you need.
