Kitano Labs

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Kitano Labs is one of the many labs that the Kitano Foundation uses to conduct tests and experiments to benefit mankind. However this appears to be the main one since it has alot of secret documents and large machinery like the Nexus and the Infuser.


The labs are entirely abandoned, papers scattered on the floor with broken office equipment lying around. The only ones that are left roaming around here are the results of the experiments conducted on humans, some of them even merged due to their unstable cellular structure.This area is seperated into 4 floors:Lift Lobby, B1, B2 and B3.

Points of Interest

Lift Lobby

Nothing intresting here. it's just the front lobby before you enter the labs. There is a locked door that requires a lockpick to open however there is nothing in there.


Upon arriving here, there would be a room that you could enter on the left. Inside there would be a chest with a Band-Aid. There is also a warehouse, inside there is a chest withe the Plasma Hammer and there is also an interactable forklift that you are allowed to ride.


In this level, there are two areas: the personal quarters and the containment rooms. There are only 6 rooms that are accessible with the rest of the hallway being blocked by rubble. However, one of the doors is blocked off by wooden barricades. The rooms(From top left to bottom right) belong to Kazimir, Stefan, Shinji, Shunsuke and Lucy. Next would be the containment rooms where the foundation would contain anomalies, artifacts or oddities. However all of these are locked except one. In that room would be almost barren as the cabinet is empty and only a drawing book is seen on the table.


B3 is where you confront Shinji at the end of a hallway and in the Nexus. Wally and Iris also managed to find their way here somehow and decided to set up shop here

Wally's Wares

Towards the end of the area you would find a double door. Enter it and there is a small store called Wally's Wares that sells you armour and weaponitems.

Iris' Healthcare

Next to Wally's Wares, there is a room inhabited by Iris who restores your party's hp and en for a small price.



  • The rooms with the danger symbol are the only ones with random encounters that you could grind.
  • The forklift was going to be a joke subclass that Shouta could play as but it got scrapped due to some complications(don't ask what they were it was a long time ago and I forgot).
  • Kitano labs was originally going to just have two levels only, the top and the bottom.
    • The top was going to just be a bunch of catwalks with the occasional tall buildings that you could enter.
    • The bottom level you was filled with rooms and in one you would find a deactivated Iris(She was supposed to be a party member but was cut)