Autumn Town

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Nestled in a picturesque valley, the quaint town of Autumn Town exudes a timeless charm with its small houses and orange scenary. The aromas of sweet pastries mingles out of every house with a scent of fresh blooming flowers. In the centre of the town there would be all the goods and services needed, on the east would be the residential area where the town residents would live, up north would be a serene river with fauna like fishes or frogs swimming by it.


The town is covered in foliage where every trees towering over the town and grass is a bright orange colour, which is where the town gats it's name from.

Points of Interest

The River

George would hang around here and enjoy the view and Shouta would sometimes join him.

Residential Area

This is where everyone lives. Not much to say about it.



  • The design of this town was based on "Hometown" in Deltarune
  • Originally, Autumn Town wasn't meant to exist and the game would just end with Shouta running towards a light in a black void and is assumed to have gone back home