Penny Copperbottom

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Penny is really bad at painting.


Penny has a large orange beret that always has paint at the front of it. She has blonde hair much like her mother and has a blue vest and wears a white shirt underneath it. She wars a long pair of grey pants and has brown boots. She's also covered in paint


Penny is a steadfast young girl and is very extroverted. Her enthusiasm for art is unrivaled by anyone.


Martha "Dollar" Copperbottom

Penny loves her mom a lot and views her as the greatest painter of all time. She wants to follow her footsteps. However, she may never reach it if no one tells her how to improve.

Nick Al Copperbottom

Penny misses her father as he's been away on his business trip for a long time.

Her friends

Penny likes all of her friends and would even draw things for free for them.

In-Game Events

Penny could be seen painting the foliage and houses in the town square but is struggling to get inspiration. She'd ask you if you would like a drawing which the player can then pick a few options or decline it. Once she draws something, you can show it to some people in the town where they'd get confused on what is the drawing supposed to be.



  • Penny's beret always being coated from paint at the front is due to her hat always touching the canvas from how large it is.
  • Getting Penny to draw something for you is required for an achievement.
  • The reason why she's not improving in art is because no one has the heart to tell her that it's bad as they fear it would hurt her enthusiasm for art.