Martha Dollar

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Martha is an art teacher.


She wears a black head band that wraps around her head, a pink dress and black clothing underneath it and she has long blonde hair


She is a caring and open person who always wants to bring out the best in her students, especially her daughter. She turned her living room into an art studio, welcoming anyone to come and learn art for free at any time. Her warm and generous nature makes everyone feel at home in her presence.


Penny Copperbottom

Martha shows a lot of care and love when it comes to Penny as she is currently the only bit of family she has with her in her house as her husband has been away on a business trip for a long time. Although loving her enthusiasm about art, she sometimes gets frustrated at Penny making the same mistakes causing her art skills to stagnate.

Nick Al Copperbottom

Martha has a long distance relationship with Nick as he's been overseas for a long time.

Her students

She wants to see all of them improve and help them be creative and imaginative even as adults.

In-Game Events

Martha would be seen in her house making a painting. When interacting with her, she'd talk about if you want to have art lessons but Shouta would decline. You could give Martha one of Penny's drawings and she'll try to compliment it but ultimately thinks she got worse.



  • Martha Dollar's name is actually a pun as it almost rhymes with "half a dollar"
  • Martha's design is based off Chihaya Mifune from the game "Persona 5"