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She make the guns.


Aurora wears a grey beanie, a grey short sleeve jacket, a pair of brown workshop gloves, a purple dust mask, brown cargo pants, construction boots she found and a white shirt with a design on it.


Aurora is an outgoing woman with an extroverted nature although she hates it when you try to make a joke in a normal conversation as it reminds her of Trevor's horrible attempts at humour.



Trevor met Aurora as one of the people that were left behind when the last evacuation helicopter left. Both of them only had each other for a long time and they both fully trust each other. However she doesn't like his jokes he makes as most of them are dad jokes.


Aurora met Robert when Trevor brought him back while he was out scavenging for supplies. She usually works with him to come up with a weapon to kill the mutants with his research but none of them have worked


  • Aurora is not related to Aiko despite both of their faces being similar.