Mai Suzuki

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A much kinder Mai compared to the other one.


She wears an oversized puffy jacket, a blue skirt and has black messy hair. Her eyes are almost completely white due to her blindness and she's got freckles.


Unlike her counterpart, this Mai is much more reserved and soft spoken. She's very shy when it comes to talking to new people. She has a strong sense of smell and hearing due to her blindness that allows her to "see" if the person she's talking to is a new person or not.


In-Game Events

Mai could be seen in the library waiting for her friend to come and see her to read a book to her. Shouta would first startle Mai as he's shocked to see his sister in this world but calms down as he realizes that it's not his sister and more of an alternate version of her. You could ask her a few questions involving her but now every time the convo with her ends she'd jokingly say bye to her "brother"



  • Mai was based on the twitter blind girl made by popopoka on twitter
  • Mai was supposed to be a standalone character with no relations at all until Ashton saw that Mai almost looks like Shouta and thought it would be funny to make her his sister
    • So when Mai was made, she was going to be younger than Shouta but ultimately became a twin