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Amber is a stubborn and loud girl with a wild imagination. She can also be selfish at times and act like a brat but she does have a heart to care about things.

When using Amber, make sure she's topped off on En as attacking with anything but her specials would lead to pitiful amounts of damage.


Amber has long purple robes with a zipper going down in the center of it and she wears a large hat with the same colour.


To recruit Amber, you have to complete the Fishing Village side quest. After fighting Amber and Auburn twice, Amber would come running to you panicking saying spiders kidnapped Auburn and she needs your help. After that, she joins you. After beating the giant spider, Amber would leave the party but before you leave by Kazimir's truck, Amber would come saying that she will join you.

However, if you try to leave Woodpine with Amber before saving Auburn, she would give a warning about leaving without saving Auburn. If you proceed in leaving, she wouldleave the party out of disgust and would no longer be obtainable.


Early Life

Amber's parents had died when she was really young leaving her under the care of her grandmother. She grew up in poverty as evident in interacting with several objects in her house. Amber would come across Auburn later on in her life and becoming very close to him.